Election Information and Voter Guide for November 3rd (updated on 10/29/2020)

Election Information and Voter Guide for November 3rd (updated on 10/29/2020)

Election day is approaching so here are some resources as well as a voter's guide on propositions you should know about. We will be continuously updating this post so check back in for the most current information!

This November the Montebello City Council will have 2 seats up for election. 8 candidates are on the ballot. On October 8th, the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee organized a candidate forum where each candidate had a chance to share their views. Here is the recording of the forum. More information on the candidates running for City Council can be found here

Aside from electing officials, there are also propositions on the ballot that the California Chamber of Commerce has recommended positions on because of their goal to help businesses and foster a healthy economy. These are CalChamber's positions:

Proposition 15 - Split Roll Property Tax: NO
Proposition 16 - Diversity in Public Employment, Education, Contracting: YES
Proposition 20 - Restricts Parole for Non-Violent Offenders: YES
Proposition 21 - Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property: NO
Proposition 22 - Employment Classification for App-Based Drivers: YES
Proposition 23 - State Requirements for Kidney Dialysis Clinics: NO

Lastly, here is general information and resources on voting in Los Angeles County.  If you are registered to vote, you will automatically receive a mail-in ballot. If you are not registered, you must register by October 19 to receive a vote by mail ballot. Click here to register to vote. 

Voting by mail:
-Mail your ballot via USPS from a nearby mailbox before or on Election Day. Remember, no postage is necessary!
-Return it to any secure Vote by Mail drop box location.
-Return it to any participating Vote Center.

Voting in person:
-Remember, you can safely vote at ANY Vote Center in LA County. Find the nearest one here.  (See Montebello voting locations below)
-You don't have to wait until November 3rd to vote -- early in-person voting begins October 24!
-You can also register to vote on-site before or on Election Day.
-Every Vote Center will implement safety protocols.


California voters can get automatic updates on their mail-in ballots!

👉🏿 Sign up to receive notifications by email, text, or phone: WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov


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